Thursday, April 29, 2010

Learning English


I like this website, I saw it before once or twice time actually and it’s really useful. The design is very comfortable and activities are amusing. I like in particular the news on the website, I read and listen completely the news about death of Malcolm McLaren, who launched of Sex Pistols in the musical scene and he was considerer of godfather of the British Punk music. I’m interesting in this news because I like the punk music, and I listening of Sex Pistols music years ago. And also I listen the news about the new discoveries from the rainforests of Borneo, in this place there many amazing flora and faune and some animals isn’t discovers even. In the website there games very funny and has Quiz for exercise my English. The section of download is useful, we can download mp3 and text and thus, we can listen later. The activities for teachers is relevant, because is amusing material for class. And finally, this website is important for practice our English.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

About me...

Hello everybody! My name is Catalina Martínez and this is my last year in the University and I feel very excited actually… Well, about me, I like the horror movies specially the Giallo Italiano and Dario Argento is my favorite director, I like the horror literature too and I love Edgar Allan Poe, he was an excellent writer.

For this semester I wait to finish my courses and I pretend begin and finish my thesis. About English course, I want learn more, because the language is important for my career and a first step for another languages.


Friday, April 16, 2010

Force of nature

Well, we know about Chile is a country of constant tremor, but nothing was waiting for this terrible earthquakes. I think so much about this event, in particular about my family and people that who suffering for this earthquake. In general I don't feel afraid when the earth it's coming to move, I only coming to walk on a save place and wait for the tremor stopped. But this earthquake was different. I was in another place with my friends, away from my home when the earthquake was coming. I don't felt fear or nervous, I felt worried for my family and not only for my parents and sister, I was very frightened for my grandparents, his house wasn't steady and I thought that his house can to fall,, fortunately, this don't happen. But I think about this people who lost everything, not only the material things, the most terrible they lost his sons, mothers, fathers, sisters. The material things weren’t anything compared with the human damage and injured. I consider me fortunate; my family is fine and me too. But, before of this event, we can forget the force of nature and the vulnerability of humanity.
