Friday, April 16, 2010

Force of nature

Well, we know about Chile is a country of constant tremor, but nothing was waiting for this terrible earthquakes. I think so much about this event, in particular about my family and people that who suffering for this earthquake. In general I don't feel afraid when the earth it's coming to move, I only coming to walk on a save place and wait for the tremor stopped. But this earthquake was different. I was in another place with my friends, away from my home when the earthquake was coming. I don't felt fear or nervous, I felt worried for my family and not only for my parents and sister, I was very frightened for my grandparents, his house wasn't steady and I thought that his house can to fall,, fortunately, this don't happen. But I think about this people who lost everything, not only the material things, the most terrible they lost his sons, mothers, fathers, sisters. The material things weren’t anything compared with the human damage and injured. I consider me fortunate; my family is fine and me too. But, before of this event, we can forget the force of nature and the vulnerability of humanity.


1 comment:

  1. That is the thing Cata. We are so vulnerable but so arrogant (human beings)I think the only positive aspect of the earthquake was the fact that it reminded us how fragile we are.
