Friday, June 18, 2010



The classification of Chile on The World Cup in South Africa has been the most positive and important event in many years for our country, also the earthquake has been important but very painful. All the people are feeling excited and expectative about “la rojita” but, what makes Chileans…Chileans? I think about that many times, because in this career, in some courses about the Chilean art, we talking concerning our nationality. I’m very confused about that, I think the Chileans are mixtures of various influence, since the conquest until today, we are under the influence of the big countries or international movements. Maybe we have any characteristics: sometimes Chilean people are shy and quiet when we are alone, but in group are different. The people of South of Chile are loving and considerate. But in Santiago the people is different, to get angry for any situation and we are irritable. I can’t think about a particular characteristic of the Chileans. When we have in problems, all the people help us, but every day the same people fight and discuss. I don’t know what is the most significant special feature of chileans. Maybe the solidarity or our human warmth.

I think that the most important things about our country have been forgotten: The native cultures. We always have copy other cultures and places but didn’t thought about our roots. In Chile, our country can be found beautiful traditions. The Chileans don’t are patriotic or nationalistic, only occasionally. The nationalistic should be present every day and not only in The World Cup or something like that.

We should rescue the originals traditions, our roots and nationality must has been more strong and original and not a copy for other places.



  1. I don't like the "nationalim"...I think that is antiquaded and is the beginning of really bad things

  2. It's difficult that topic. I'm not sure nationalism is a bad idea. Or not at all... But, also, what is the limit?
