Friday, July 2, 2010

My blogging experience

Hello classmate!

Today I will write about my experience blogging. In general, I didn’t write in English regularly, only for a test or something like this, but this experience has been very significant. My English didn’t have well and I want to be improving it, write regularly has been useful for my proximity with language. I enjoy some post where we can write our favorites themes (like a favorite artist, favorite place of Chile or our favorite photograph); I could know the preferences of the classmate about the different topic. The templates, colors and organization of different blog talk us about the personality of my partners. Could to discuss the post of classmate was funny and read the post about my entries was funny too. I think that always is productive any activity, also read and write in another language, because finally this will be beneficial for us, especially in our career, when we should read and write in different languages too, because the books something has been written in other languages, and maybe English is a first step for other languages as French, German or Italian. Many times I’m going to library and I found an interesting book, but it was in English, now I can read (with help of a dictionary) some book in English. I think that written in English help us in our orthography, writing and coherence of our essay and for know about other perspectives and not only stayed with the Spanish information.

I value well my experience blogging, in my case I can read more in this language that before and I have been adding new words and expressions on my vocabulary. The advantages of write in English are better relation with the language, thus we can use our new knowledge and extrapolate this to other areas of our career or life in general. I don’t found any disadvantages for blogging, because finally the English is a tool and we should take it.


  1. I'm agree with you, Catalina xD
    (The word of the year)

  2. I'm agree with you too...
    The blogs show how different we are :)
