Saturday, May 29, 2010


Technology isn’t my favorite theme. I prefer the old school, but I surprise me with the technological advances. Sometimes I saw on the TV the News about the congress or demonstration of ultimate pieces of technology, new phones, computers or cameras and they show us an amazing object, television and cameras with an incredible definition, where you can see everything with an excellent image.

I think about my favorite piece of technology and I like my mininote. I bought it the last year, because it was necessary for the University, I needed a portable computer but a notebook I considered very big and heavy, thus I bought a HP netbook. I like my mininote because is very small, comfortable and useful. I can put it in my bag or in my wallet and its imperceptible. I use it in public places (museum, library, shopping) and I connect it with the wi-fi signal, searching different things on internet.

I don’t use very much my mininote actually, only when I have some work for the University or something like that. But my little sister is happier with my netbook, she uses it all the time, especially for the messenger and facebook. I don’t have facebook, only messenger but I didn’t connect it. She have a Pc, but she prefer my computer because is more comfortable, she said.

The best of my computer is that, I put to my bed and I can see some films tuck up.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Hello classmate!

Today I will talk you about my favorite place in Chile. I like to travel around my country, but actually I don’t have done it. In January of 2008 I do an amazing travel with my uncles for the south of Chile. They invited to my youngest uncle and me for this travel. It was very nice and comfortable, we traveling on the car of my uncle and we stopped in any places that like us. We travel for more of 2 weeks and I knew amazing and beautiful places. We visited Llanquihue, Puerto Varas, Frutillar, Puerto Montt, Villarrica, but my favorite place was Liquiñe. Liquiñe is a hide town in a range de los Andes, in the X region of Chile. In this town we find a thermal baths.
My uncles rent a cabin and we stayed here for 4 days. This was my first time in a thermal baths and it was very relaxing. With my aunt stayed all the day swimming in the temper water, we only stopped for breakfast or dinner. We woke up early in the morning and we went to the swimming pool of thermal baths. A day it’s coming to rain in Liquiñe, It was an exceptional experience, I felt the cold rain in my face whereas I swimming in the thermal waters...

You should to visit this town, a nice hideaway for the noise city.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Ciudad de la Pintura

Hello everybody.

I enjoy visiting a website called Ciudad de la pintura, once or twice times for week, because this website is very useful for my career. I can search the different painters and painting. Ciudad de la pintura is really completely, It has various sections: you can find for different thematic, for example, you can look for about the authors, museums, chronology or styles of art. Thus, the search is more easily and quickly. Ciudad de la pintura had a browser and you can put the name of pictures or authors and the website to show your search and each picture had your respective name, author, year of production, technique and in the museum of it stay or other localization. Also, the website has different information about expositions and has a commercial gallery for the people that like buy pictures. You can see the pictures that have on exhibition right now! This is amazing because we can know about an important exhibition as Van Gogh.

The design of this website is very comfortable, you can search easily all the pictures. I use this website because the resolution of the pictures it’s fine and this help me in my classes and in my works. I like this website, because I can find the old art like prehistoric and the contemporary art.

Well, I invited you to visit this page if you like the visual art.


Saturday, May 1, 2010


It’s difficult for me choice one artist, because I love the art in general from the prehistory until the postmodern art. But one of my favorite artists is Joel-Peter Witkin. He is a particular postmodern artist. Joel Peter-Witkin has worked with corpse, hermaphrodite, person or things that not want to see in the society, reject people. This is his characteristic of Witkin. His fascination for things like this is because when he was a child; he saw an accident and this marked his life. I knew this artist in a course of Esthetic, in my first year in the career. I searched on internet about he and I surprised me, I considered his work fascinated, really.

His work can be considerate awful or shocked, it depends of the person in particular. For me, is a great artist, he used the corpse for artistic form, he used the canonic pictures (like Las meninas of Velázquez, The birth of Venus of Botticelli or Ingres) as inspiration from his works and he reproduce this pictures, using the body of different people, who has been reject in the society, as hermaphrodite, midget or deformed. Witkin had taken to this people and he has showed to this people of different form in the art’s world. In the art, where I think all is possible.