Friday, May 14, 2010


Hello classmate!

Today I will talk you about my favorite place in Chile. I like to travel around my country, but actually I don’t have done it. In January of 2008 I do an amazing travel with my uncles for the south of Chile. They invited to my youngest uncle and me for this travel. It was very nice and comfortable, we traveling on the car of my uncle and we stopped in any places that like us. We travel for more of 2 weeks and I knew amazing and beautiful places. We visited Llanquihue, Puerto Varas, Frutillar, Puerto Montt, Villarrica, but my favorite place was Liquiñe. Liquiñe is a hide town in a range de los Andes, in the X region of Chile. In this town we find a thermal baths.
My uncles rent a cabin and we stayed here for 4 days. This was my first time in a thermal baths and it was very relaxing. With my aunt stayed all the day swimming in the temper water, we only stopped for breakfast or dinner. We woke up early in the morning and we went to the swimming pool of thermal baths. A day it’s coming to rain in Liquiñe, It was an exceptional experience, I felt the cold rain in my face whereas I swimming in the thermal waters...

You should to visit this town, a nice hideaway for the noise city.


  1. Hi,

    I really like south, the enviroment is so good, so quiet.

    I don't know liquiñe, but i know some placer around and are very beautiful.
    About the water srings, i like it too, are so relaxing, i wish we could have some of this (water springs near os Santiago are very different).


  2. The south "la lleva" xD

  3. jajaja...
    I remember when you said me that you faint in this trip because you were many time in the swimming-pool of thermal water xD

  4. Me too I choose Liquiñe!!! Is really beautifull this places. When I did a little girl that place was more calm than now. Today rising something busses with much people.

  5. I don't know that place, but I would like it. The picture is so mystic, I love it too much.
    See you in class!
