Friday, July 2, 2010

My blogging experience

Hello classmate!

Today I will write about my experience blogging. In general, I didn’t write in English regularly, only for a test or something like this, but this experience has been very significant. My English didn’t have well and I want to be improving it, write regularly has been useful for my proximity with language. I enjoy some post where we can write our favorites themes (like a favorite artist, favorite place of Chile or our favorite photograph); I could know the preferences of the classmate about the different topic. The templates, colors and organization of different blog talk us about the personality of my partners. Could to discuss the post of classmate was funny and read the post about my entries was funny too. I think that always is productive any activity, also read and write in another language, because finally this will be beneficial for us, especially in our career, when we should read and write in different languages too, because the books something has been written in other languages, and maybe English is a first step for other languages as French, German or Italian. Many times I’m going to library and I found an interesting book, but it was in English, now I can read (with help of a dictionary) some book in English. I think that written in English help us in our orthography, writing and coherence of our essay and for know about other perspectives and not only stayed with the Spanish information.

I value well my experience blogging, in my case I can read more in this language that before and I have been adding new words and expressions on my vocabulary. The advantages of write in English are better relation with the language, thus we can use our new knowledge and extrapolate this to other areas of our career or life in general. I don’t found any disadvantages for blogging, because finally the English is a tool and we should take it.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Classmate evaluation

Jacques-Louis David
The Oath of the Horatii, 1784.


Today I’m going to write about a blog of other classmate. I chose Diego Parra’s blog, because I considerer this blog tidy and attractive. In general about his texts, I think he writes fine in English about the themes and is coherent in his entries, his pictures are interesting too. Diego put in order his posts and label every post. The design of his website is a bit dark and maybe he should use a template more colorful. I believe that Diego is some academic and rigorous is his post. I surprise me, because he always writes more words in his posts, when in general I write precisely words. I think that he knows about the language and he can write easily in this language.

He was nine posts and in particular I like the post about Pichilemu because I know this place, I was traveled since my childhood and today until I love to travel there. This post is very descriptive about the Pichilemu, he talks concerning the food and the places of there. He writes about the beach of Pichilemu, it’s very cold actually and swimming there is all a challenge. In the beach was many surfer and he was attractive and sporting. The picture that Diego put on the blog is nice and shows an alone Pichilemu’s beach in perspective.

In general, I think Diego’s blog is ok, his posts are very coherent. He writes well and his posts are interesting. About the English, he knows the language and he didn’t makes error or orthographic mistakes. And finally, the picture that sums up how I feel when I visit and write this website is The Oath of the Horatii by Jacques-Louis David, because I think in the neoclassic painting with Diego’s blog.

(The last picture on his blog is very funny with the Marx faces)

Diego’s blog:

Friday, June 18, 2010



The classification of Chile on The World Cup in South Africa has been the most positive and important event in many years for our country, also the earthquake has been important but very painful. All the people are feeling excited and expectative about “la rojita” but, what makes Chileans…Chileans? I think about that many times, because in this career, in some courses about the Chilean art, we talking concerning our nationality. I’m very confused about that, I think the Chileans are mixtures of various influence, since the conquest until today, we are under the influence of the big countries or international movements. Maybe we have any characteristics: sometimes Chilean people are shy and quiet when we are alone, but in group are different. The people of South of Chile are loving and considerate. But in Santiago the people is different, to get angry for any situation and we are irritable. I can’t think about a particular characteristic of the Chileans. When we have in problems, all the people help us, but every day the same people fight and discuss. I don’t know what is the most significant special feature of chileans. Maybe the solidarity or our human warmth.

I think that the most important things about our country have been forgotten: The native cultures. We always have copy other cultures and places but didn’t thought about our roots. In Chile, our country can be found beautiful traditions. The Chileans don’t are patriotic or nationalistic, only occasionally. The nationalistic should be present every day and not only in The World Cup or something like that.

We should rescue the originals traditions, our roots and nationality must has been more strong and original and not a copy for other places.


Friday, June 11, 2010

My favorite photograph

Hello everyone!

Today I’m going to write about my favorite photograph. It’s very nice! I took this picture two or three years ago on my courtyard. I like the photography and my mom give me a camera for Christmas. Few days ago of Christmas, my cousin Gonzalo (he was two years in that moment) stayed in my house, because his mother going to doctor. I, my grandmother and Gonzalo stayed in the terrace and he coming to play with the plants and flowers of my grandmother and he gives me a snail after that other and other… in conclusion, he to bring a lot of snails and I went for my new camera and I took many pictures of the snails. I chose this picture in particular, because I took it in black and white and I like took photograph of this way. I consider that places and scenes had a magic atmosphere taken a black and white technique. The picture shows three snails, one of them it’s on the big snails and I think the snails were to run away from Gonzalo, but he took the snails again and to put it on the floor. The poor snails stayed for all the afertnoon in my courtyard.

I like this image because I remember to Gonzalo and that afternoon, also I like it for the composition it’s a close up of three snails and in the back we can see the street, my neighbor’s house and a van to park. But the most amazing is the little world of the snails that we can see in a simple picture.


Friday, June 4, 2010


Hello everyone!

The TED website and is a new website for me; I watch the video Sir Ken Robinson's talk "Do Schools Kill Creativity” and this topic is transcendental for the future of the children and the world in general. We can’t think the intelligence of a one kind. Years ago people talk about the multiples intelligences and I think that education should to reform the system of the classes and the canonic status of the mathematics, language, humanities and finally arts, and to stimulate the different intelligences, because, when Sir Robinson said, we lost the possibility of to manage in our intelligences and capacities.

The education in our country is a great theme in the last years, the people in charge of this didn’t consider the multiples capacities of the different children. The creativity doesn’t have been taken of positive kind and we know this sensation, because we like the art and knowledge the difficult of to practice this career. All the people should to appreciate the art in general, music, dance, plastic arts, etc. Also we should to open more possibilities for this, the art in fundamental in the human life too, like other kind of disciplines, the art nurture the spirit I think.

I don’t imagine the world without art, is fundamental that education chance its methods, and like Picasso’s said: Every child born artist, but is in our hands don’t kill this artist.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Technology isn’t my favorite theme. I prefer the old school, but I surprise me with the technological advances. Sometimes I saw on the TV the News about the congress or demonstration of ultimate pieces of technology, new phones, computers or cameras and they show us an amazing object, television and cameras with an incredible definition, where you can see everything with an excellent image.

I think about my favorite piece of technology and I like my mininote. I bought it the last year, because it was necessary for the University, I needed a portable computer but a notebook I considered very big and heavy, thus I bought a HP netbook. I like my mininote because is very small, comfortable and useful. I can put it in my bag or in my wallet and its imperceptible. I use it in public places (museum, library, shopping) and I connect it with the wi-fi signal, searching different things on internet.

I don’t use very much my mininote actually, only when I have some work for the University or something like that. But my little sister is happier with my netbook, she uses it all the time, especially for the messenger and facebook. I don’t have facebook, only messenger but I didn’t connect it. She have a Pc, but she prefer my computer because is more comfortable, she said.

The best of my computer is that, I put to my bed and I can see some films tuck up.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Hello classmate!

Today I will talk you about my favorite place in Chile. I like to travel around my country, but actually I don’t have done it. In January of 2008 I do an amazing travel with my uncles for the south of Chile. They invited to my youngest uncle and me for this travel. It was very nice and comfortable, we traveling on the car of my uncle and we stopped in any places that like us. We travel for more of 2 weeks and I knew amazing and beautiful places. We visited Llanquihue, Puerto Varas, Frutillar, Puerto Montt, Villarrica, but my favorite place was Liquiñe. Liquiñe is a hide town in a range de los Andes, in the X region of Chile. In this town we find a thermal baths.
My uncles rent a cabin and we stayed here for 4 days. This was my first time in a thermal baths and it was very relaxing. With my aunt stayed all the day swimming in the temper water, we only stopped for breakfast or dinner. We woke up early in the morning and we went to the swimming pool of thermal baths. A day it’s coming to rain in Liquiñe, It was an exceptional experience, I felt the cold rain in my face whereas I swimming in the thermal waters...

You should to visit this town, a nice hideaway for the noise city.